
It is necessary to take a break from work at proper intervals to escape the hustle and bustle of the city, and the humdrum of our work lives to soothe our minds and soul so that we can join our regular work life with renewed zest and enthusiasm. Often, it gets difficult to take an interval due to the immense amount of work-load. Here is when the short weekend trips come into most use. A short holiday rightly spent in the lap of nature will act as a therapy for both your body and soul. We, WeekendTrips will help you feel the wonders of life! Our company, WeekendTrips which initially started in the year 2010, used to organize short weekend trips for guests all within the boundaries of South Bengal. Since then, we have come a long way as we have extended our reach to North Bengal and then to North Eastern India and eventually covering the entire country.

The team working for Weekend Trips will monitor your entire trip to ensure the best comfort for you. We will remain connected with you throughout your trip and try to help you in accordance with your requirements like no other. We have the expertise and a sense of personal touch for our guests which make us stand apart from the rest. We also try to cater to special needs of our guests. We even try to provide medical help in case of emergency. Our exclusive services and unfettered attention to our guests all throughout is our biggest unique selling point.
